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Capture, store, and access your favorite smiles to and from the cloud
in real-time.

You bet your iris! We’ve simplified things by pre-setting image manipulations, capturing digital images, and securely storing them in the cloud in real-time.

Robust imaging features can be easily added to Curve Hero®, eliminating external bridges or cumbersome third-party integrations.


Monitor Image

Key Dental Imaging Software Benefits

Simplify imaging process

  • By overlaying FMX images over patients’ restorative charts, you get a clear understanding of what you’re examining.
  • Easily control the opacity with a sliding bar to view the image with or without the chart.
  • All images are integrated with the patient record, so you can access all the information you need in one place.

Streamline image manipulations

  • Save time by recording and saving a series of preferred manipulations and filters.
  • Apply a saved set of adjustments to any image with a click of the mouse.
  • Easy adjustments for contrast, brightness, gamma, rotate, sharpen, and invert.

Fully leverage measurement tools

  • Measure root depth angles, signifying impingement, areas, and distances for abnormalities and pockets.
  • Trace paths through the anatomy to establish the right treatment approach.
  • Save all measurements, notes, and images directly to the patient record.

Easily access images from anywhere with internet browser

  • Easily access images from anywhere via a Chrome internet browser.
  • All images are safely backed up to the cloud in real-time.
  • Data storage and cybersecurity are included in your monthly Curve Dental subscription.

Imaging Compatibility

Curve understands the complexity of your infrastructure and the hardware investments you've made. We work hard to deliver dental software with flexibility by continually enhancing Curve Hero's compatibility with leading brands . We do not have every sensor listed. Please consult your Curve representative regarding any sensor that you do not see.

  • Operating Systems (OS)
    Supported & Certified by Curve Labs For Windows

    Dexis Titanium/IXS
    Dexis Platinum/GXS-700
    Gendex GXS-700 (blue sensor)

    *Names may vary based on region


    Schick 33
    Schick Elite 
    Schick WiFi

    RVG 5100 and 6100
    RVG 5200 and 6200


    Planmeca ProSensor USB

    *Planmeca Panoramic devices do not have a direct integration

    Vatech EzSensor
    Vatech EzSensor P (Premium)

    Other Devices
    Cyber Medical Imaging XDR
    Image Works (EVA)*
    Jazz Imaging Solo
    Masterlink EDLENi Apex
    Video Dental Concept QuickRay


    Supported & Certified by Curve Labs For MAC OS

    Planmeca ProSensor USB

    *Curve Imaging does not support Planmeca Panoramic devices for MAC.


    Video Dental Concept QuickRay
    Quickray Dental Sensor

    *Video Dental Concepts Quickray (E2V) is the only Quickray device compatible with MAC OS through Curve Imaging.


    Currently in Use by Curve Customers but Not Yet Certified by Curve Labs (Windows Only)


    Acteon Sopix 2
    ADAE Handy Sensor HDR500
    Apex Apex Dental Sensors
    Apteryx Tuxedo
    Clio Digital X-Ray Sensor
    DentiMax Dream Sensor
    Dentron Dentaleye
    EVA Select
    Instrumentarium/Soredex Snapshot
    Owandy GM0869, SM8491
    Planmeca Planmeca ProX
    Progeny ClearVision Sensor
    Schick AE
    Vatech Sopix 2

    *Twain drivers are required for all devices listed as not yet certified. Twain drivers are not compatible with MAC OS

  • Digital X-ray Sensors
    Supported & Certified by Curve Labs

    Dexis/Kavo (names may vary based on region)

    Dexis Titanium/IXS
    Dexis Platinum/GXS-700
    Gendex GXS-700 (blue sensor)



    Schick 33
    Schick Elite with Elite Remote or HS Remote
    Schick WiFi


    *Check with manufacturer to ensure that your device is valid with the current version of Windows.



    RVG 5100 and 6100
    RVG 5200 and 6200



    Planmeca ProSensor USB
    *Planmeca Panoramic devices do not have a direct integration


    Vatech EzSensor
    Vatech EzSensor P (Premium)

    Other Devices

    Cyber Medical Imaging XDR
    Image Works (EVA)*
    Jazz Imaging Solo
    Masterlink EDLENi Apex
    Video Dental Concept QuickRay

    *Video Dental Concept is the only supported Quickray device on MAC OS


    Currently in Use by Curve Customers but Not Yet Certified by Curve Labs

    Twain drivers should be used for all devices listed as not yet certified
    Acteon Sopix 2
    ADAE Handy Sensor HDR500
    Apex Apex Dental Sensors
    Apteryx Tuxedo
    Clio Digital X-Ray Sensor
    DentiMax Dream Sensor
    Dentron Dentaleye
    EVA Select
    Instrumentarium/Soredex Snapshot
    Owandy GM0869, SM8491
    Planmeca Planmeca ProX
    Progeny ClearVision Sensor
    Schick AE
    Vatech Sopix 2

  • 2D Digital Pans
    Supported & Certified by Curve Labs
    • CS 8100 Digital Panoramic System
    • CS 9300 System
    • Planmeca ProMax 2D S2
    • Planmeca ProMax 2D S3
    • Planmeca ProOne
    • Sirona ORTHOSPHOS XG 3
    • Sirona ORTHOSPHOS XG 5
    • Sirona ORTHOSPHOS XG 3DReady
    • Sirona ORTHOSPHOS XG SL Ready
    Currently in Use by Curve Customers but Not Yet Certified by Curve Labs
    • Gendex GXDP 300
    • Gendex Orthalix 8500
    • Gendex
    • GXDP-700 Panorex
    • Instrumentarium/Soredex OP200
    • Instrumentarium/Soredex
    • OP30
    • PanoramicCorporation PC-4000
    • Planmeca Proline XC
    • ScanX 1100
    • Vatech Paxi
    • Vatech Pax-500
  • Phosphor Plate
    Supported & Certified by Curve Labs
    • ScanX (Models)
      • Classic F3700
      • Ortho F3750
      • I/O F3600
      • Duo D1000F
      • Swift G8000
    Currently in Use by Curve Customers but Not Yet Certified by Curve Labs
    • Kodak CR 7400
    • Instrumentarium/Soredex Optime Digora
    • Acteon Pspix
    • Carestream 7600
  • Intraoral Cameras
    Supported & Certified by Curve Labs
    Currently in Use by Curve Customers but Not Yet Certified by Curve Labs
    • Gendex GXC-300
    • Mouthwatch Camera
    • Owandy OwandyCam
    • ProDent ProDent Intraoral Camera PD740
    • Daryou DY-50 Ultra Intraoral Camera
    • Acteon Sopro 617 Intraoral Camera
  • Bridges to Other Imaging Software
    Supported & Certified by Curve Labs
    • Apteryx Generic (Other OEM's include; Prof.Suni, Dr. Suni, ImageDDS, CliniView, CliniTouch, MPDx, VisionDent, Belmont XV, Belmont XVLite, DentiMax Advance Imaging, DentiMax Imaging, MaxiViewer, MaxiViewer Lite, Lightyear, and QSI Image)
    • CADI (Synca)
    • CaptureLink
    • CDR-DICOM (Sirona)
    • DEXIS
    • Dimaxis (Planmeca)
    • DTX Studio Bridge
    • Kodak Dental Imaging (Carestream)
    • Patterson Imaging
    • Romexis (Planmeca)
    • RadioVision Bridge
    • Sidexis  (Sirona)
    • Tigerview (Televere)
    • Visix (Air Techniques)
    • Vixwin (Gendex)
    • XDR (Cyber Medical Imaging)
    • XrayVision and XVlite (Apteryx Main imaging software)

    Note: The only imaging software bridge supported on Mac computers is RadioVision.


Quote Me

Curve Hero allows for me as a practice owner to not worry about HIPAA violations, data loss, or server crashes.

Brandon Bennett Eldon Family Dentistry

Curve has been so successful in our office. Its very user-friendly and easy to learn.

Jemma Jackson Powers Family Dentistry

With Curve Hero I have access to my patient data from anywhere! It is intuitive and better than traditional sever based programs.

Aaron Diehl Pure Design Dentistry

Ready to see how Curve Hero can streamline, strengthen and secure your practice?

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