With Curve Dental’s Hero Sidekick, manage appointments with ease, anywhere at any time. Our one-click access to scheduling and patient data means you spend more time with patients and less on administrative tasks.
With an easy to use, always visible navigation column, access patient data no matter where you are in the system.
Fully customizable, you can use simple icons and color-coded layouts to display your daily schedules perfectly.
Patients enjoy faster check-ins, reduced on-hold times, and easier appointment scheduling.
We had a valued employee move to another state, and she's able to work remotely and schedule appointments as if she was in the office.
One of the Curve features that we have embraced is the ease of going from treatment planning to scheduling and keeping those procedure codes, just following the patient right into the schedule.
Curve's sidekick feature is awesome because it enables me to quickly check notes so I can easily review x-rays and immediately create a treatment plan.
Curve Dental, LLC
10745 Westside Way
Alpharetta, Georgia 30009
© Copyright 2024 CD Newco, LLC